We have adapted ourselves so well to prayer that when we face a challenge or unpleasant situation, we know how to call God in prayer with the help of the Holy Spirit who teaches us how to pray. The word of God and the adrenaline that comes with challenge cause us to pray, and pray well. On the other hand, God has positioned Himself to answer our prayers which we make according to His will. He watches over His word to perform it, still we find occasions when the challenge remains...
Israel expected God's visitation on them as they cried out to God, but when God appeared to Gideon in answer to their cries he doubted it, asking for a sign. He did not know when God's visitation came upon them, he had to be convinced (Judges 6:13-17). Likewise, the Samaritan woman had no idea when God's visitation came upon her and could have easily missed her deliverance. Jesus personally introduced Himself to her, yet she asked 'could this be the Christ?' (John 4:7-29) When we cry to God for breakthrough, He answers us, ...yet we could miss our breakthrough because we miss the time of His visitation.
There are times when we experience the atmosphere of God's visitation, we know He has come with our breakthrough but we may allow our conduct and circumstances to make the moment slip and we have to wait again, like the lame man at the pool of Bethsaida. In Genesis 18:1-10, Abraham demonstrated knowledge of what to do when he realized God's visitation. He did not miss his blessing by letting the moment slip by. He proactively did the following:
- He Drew Closer: He moved from his position and ran closer to the Lord. When God visits us, it's the time to leave our comfort zone and state of relaxation, and draw closer Him. It's the time to draw closer for a clearer view and stronger encounter with Him. It's the time to change lifestyle, change pattern, change friends and give him our complete focus.
- He Worshiped: Abraham expressed his humility by bowing down to the visitors. As we draw closer to God and worship, we express our humility and recognize God as mighty. We submit our personality and substance to His Lordship, without which we cannot exist.
- He Spoke Out: When God visits you is not the time to be lost for words or be tongue-tied. If you have found favor in His sight that He should visit you, lay out your petition to His hearing. Abraham said, 'If I have found favor in your eyes, my Lord, do not pass your servant by'. (1 John 5:14-15)
- He Gave: The season of God's visitation is the appropriate time to tap into the blessings of giving. God appreciates heartfelt gifts to Him with rewards. Abraham utilized this well and we also see results in the lives of Solomon and Abel. Don't let the moment pass by without honoring God with a gift.
- He Made Haste: Abraham made haste with everything he had to do. He did not entertain delay or sloppiness, even from his helpers, he did not post-pone any good deed. When God visits you, be fast to do what you have to do. It is not the time to rationalize or think things over, it's the time to do. If you have to obey an instruction, do it quickly. If you have to make a decision, do it quickly. If you have to repent, do it quickly. If you have to pray, do it quickly. Catch the season, because it's possible to do everything right, but in the wrong season.
After everything, the Lord said to Abraham, 'I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold Sarah your wife shall have a son.' In due season, God will manifest His visitation in our lives in Jesus name.