11/15/2008 03:29:00 PM / /

He chose the colors carefully

Though it's combination made no sense to me
He defined the dimensions in detail
Every piece fitted perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle
Materials mixed intricately
Gold, Acacia, Linen, Silver, Onyx, brass
He emphasized to build according to pattern
For beauty and for glory

Reading through the design of the tabernacle and Aaron's apparel, brought to sharp focus Gods style of building according to pattern. I could see that He doesn't jump to action based on impulse or instantaneous need. His methodology followed a pattern: Plan > Execute > Glorify.

For sometime I had missed the sequence in my life, always wanting my plans, wishes and desires to happen now now.
And when it doesn't I would go through a cycle of: Anger > Confusion > Depression
At best, I would go back to God and cry 'FATHER, BUT WHY?'

The picture of the tabernacle reveals how God builds His projects like us. A place where His glory will abide. He takes His time to define the dimensions of our life, making everything fit for purpose.Our challenges become our testimonies. Our experiences become others knowledge base.

There is no monotony in His design. In our lives He displays a huge sense of humor. When he moved me from Nigeria to Angola I clearly saw this part of Him revealed. What a laugh, yet He did it according to pattern...

He combined colors (blue, purple and scarlet) to finish the
centerpiece of His glory. He likewise colors our lives with people, occasions, events, that keep us radiating, continuously making us a spectacle of wonder.

Like Aaron's, His reason for taking you through the pattern of your life, the times, the places, the processes, the events, is all for beauty and for glory.
He does it in our lives so whoever sees us, whoever hears our story, where we are coming from and where we are going to... will have a cause to give God the glory



Anonymous on November 15, 2008 6:41 PM

Quite an interesting blog here.. Will definitely come back for some more..

Anonymous on November 15, 2008 11:54 PM

Wow...that was deep. God really is AMAZING in every sense of the word!

Anonymous on November 16, 2008 3:54 PM

Thanks Danny, @ buttercup, indeed one can't fully understand His wonders. Thanks for being here...

Anonymous on November 17, 2008 4:51 PM

nice one,
you just encapsulated my life a few days ago...
thankfully i'm now learning to be GRATEFUL for the state i'm in now...
trusting God, that it'll be better on the long run...
and that my life will be a testimony to his greatness...
Thanks fanwest

Anonymous on November 18, 2008 11:34 AM

Tankojetty, you have a nice blog running, i'm enjoying the polls and the answers.

God does take care of us, when we resolve everything to him, including the thinking... i have learnt.

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